Our Company is a valuation and consultancy firm focused on Tangible Fixed Assets (or Property, Plant and Equipment). Pragmatic, independent and flexible are some of the characteristics that distinguish us from other valuation companies. Our valuators are characterized by their technical background and financial knowledge, in which personal attention for the customer comes first.

The Valuation Company was founded in 2017 to provide industries, investors and real estate companies with tailor-made appraisals, valuations and advice.

Our valuators have international and local valid accreditations from, among others, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and the American Society of Appraisers (ASA). They are also accredited in the Netherlands as an insurance appraiser by the Verenigd Register van Taxateurs (United Register of Appraisers-VRT). Our valuations are in line with the standards of International Valuation Standards (IVS) and European Valuation Standards (EVS).

Unique Method

Our working method is unique in the sense that we think along with our clients and we regularly look for options of combining services such as a valuation for accounting and insurance purposes. In a valuation we carefully analyze the assets in scope. With our technical experience, financial knowledge and the understanding of business cases, anticipated investments, divestments, and technical alternative use of assets, we deliver a complete analysis in our valuations.

As an independent expert, we regularly cooperate with other advisers to provide a complete service package, such as transaction advice and support, purchase price allocations and/or tax advice.

International Network

We offer our services globally. In addition to the international experience of our valuators on almost every continent, The Valuation Company also has a worldwide network of appraisers and consultants with whom we work closely. We guarantee the quality of our work and network via accreditations and coordination of valuation methods.

For machinery & equipment there is an international market as machines can be transported, are purchased internationally and -with few exceptions- are used worldwide.

The same does not apply to real estate. Real estate depends on local circumstances such as market forces, construction prices, and location. There can be large differences within country borders, and even within city boarders. Therefore, for real estate valuations we regularly work with (inter)national parties and/or obtain information from local professionals.

For example, we offer valuations in Europe and North America, but also Africa, Asia, the Middle East and South America, locations where language barriers and local customs are even more important to take into consideration.
The Valuation Company issues its valuation reports under its own responsibility and brand name, and thus remains a central point of contact for your global valuation assignments.


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